Where Heroes & Monsters encounters Dark age of Camelot.

Last night I watched a few videos from an old time favorite mmo , Dark Age of Camelot. Then me and my wife took the initiative and the nightshades became a reality. NIGHTSHADE (Elf Mage/Thief) · Starting HP : 6+1d6 · HP Gained per Level : 3 · HP Gained during Resting : 1d6 · Weapons & Armor : Any weapon. Leather Armor and no shields · All armor and shields . Attack Damage: 1d6/1d4 Unarmed or improvising SPECIAL FEATURES Thieves’ Skills : Roll against DEX with Advantage to open locks, remove traps, pick pockets, move silently, or hide in shadows. Roll against WIS with Advantage to hear noise. Roll against STR with Advantage to climb sheer surfaces. Steal Spell: Once per day Nightshades can attempt to steal...