The Captain/The Warlord Class for Heroes & Monsters

“Come, Mr. Frodo!' he cried. 'I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King CAPTAIN/WARLORD (HUMAN) (OPTIONAL: ALL RACES TO MAXIMUM LEVEL OF 8) · Starting HP : 8+1d6 · HP Gained per Level : 4 · HP Gained during Resting : 1d8 · Weapons & Armor : Light & Medium armor; Shields. All weapons allowed. · Attack Damage : 1d6/1d6 unarmed or Improvising SPECIAL FEATURES · Battle Die/BD (Optional): If you are using the optional Mass Combat Rules, Captains provide a +1 bonus to BD roll and +2 at 10 th level when leading troops in combat. · Commands: Each captain get to specialize at 3 different & distinct categories of shout comman...