Great feats of mankind vs. RPG feats (3rd and 4th Edition of D&D)
Welcome traveler. Take a seat by the warm fire and leave your burdens outside in the darkness. The year 2000 it was a major milestone at the rpg community. The major reason behind this was the open license of wizards of the coast. By that time I believe that the company of the most famous rpg in the planet wasn’t aware of the consequences of their own actions. It was and still is an avalanche of ideas and opinions. I feel it is similar to Greek myth of Prometheus. So the titan decided to steal the fire from the Olympian gods and gave it to humankind. His decision was followed by a chain of events leading eventually to the much desired human civilization. As I continue my grumblings, another milestone was the introduction of the feats. But what are feats exactly? And why it took 14 years of the famous company to fade them back at the background as an optional rule? Using Oxford dictionary Feat is: An achievement that requires great courage, skill, or strength. Let...