Heroic Fantasy: The Dragonlance Experiment: Wizards of High Sorcery

Greetings Emerald GateKeepers This time we delve into the arcane arts of wizardry & sorcery of Krynn. Magic plays a vital part through Dragonlance history and we cannot just skip it with a few rules. That’s why I took the opportunity once again to “crash test” the flexible Aspests System. As always I will try to keep the rules as simple as they can be adhere to the spirit of Heroic Fantasy and Hack system as a whole. Before that let’s remind ourselves the 3 foundations of wizardry; taken from the Tales of The Lance (Box Set, TSR, June 1, 1992): · All wizards are brothers in their order. All orders are brothers in the power. · The places of High Wizardry are held in common among all the orders and no sorcery is to be used there in anger against fellow wizards. · The world beyond the walls of the towers may bring bro...