Heroic Fantasy: The Dragonlance Experiment

Greetings Emerald Gatekeepers & Est Sularus Oth Mithas What follows is an experiment of the Aspects system and the results we are looking for are: can the flexible Aspects system cope with the rigid structure of one of the most famous knightly orders of rpg; that of the Solmanic Knighthood. Keep in mind that HF is using a 10 level progression where the most famous game of the world goes all around till 20. I suppose than everyone will come up with their own results. Sir Brandon; the story of a stable-boy Brandon was born at Solace where he grew up witnessing all the turmoil of the age we call War of the Lance. At the age 7 he encountered the Heroes of the Lance and he took care of their horses as that time he was working as a stable-boy at the Inn Of Last Home. That night one of the horse tired by exhaustion run wild. Brandon was determined to find and calm down the beast of burden. He finally found the horse and after an hour or so he managed to calm down t...