Secrets of the Emeralds: NPC's Part 1

Όταν και αν τους συναντήσετε-) Ο Κίραν και η Dove.

Dove. 6 Lvl Beguiler

Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 16, wis 12, Cha 16.

HP:46, AC:16, BAB:3, Savings: Fort 3, Reflex 3, Will 6

Spells per day (starting from 0 lvl). 6/7/6/4

Abilities: Armored casting, Trap find, cloak casting, surprise casting, advanced learning, silent spell, surprise casting (as move action)

Feats: Improve feinting, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack.

Skills (with all ranks, bonuses and synergy): Appraise 6, Balance 4, Bluff 9, Climb 5, Concentration 4, Decipher Script 6, Diplomacy 10, Disable Device 7, Disguise 7, Escape Artist 4, Forgery 6, Gather information 8, Hide 5, Jump 6, Knowledge (Arcana 8, Local 8), Listen 3, Move silently 5, Open lock 3, Profession 3, search 5, sense motive 6, sleight of hand 5, Spell craft 5, spot 5, swim 3, tumble 5, use magical device 5, intimidate 5.

Κίραν, Ranger 2 lvl / Cleric of Margo 6 lvl.

Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 16.

AC 16, HP 80, BAB 6/1

Savings: Fort 10, Reflex 7, Will 8.

Spells per day: 5/4+1/4+1/3+1.

Abilities: spontaneous casting, turn undead, favored enemy (undead), track, wild empathy, combat style.

Feats: track, two weapon fighting, weapon focus (scimitar), two weapon defense, self sufficient, quick draw.

Skill (total numbers): climb 4, concentration 4, craft 2, handle animal 7, heal 9, hide 3, jump 2, knowledge (dungeons 3, geography 3, Nature 3), listen 3, move silently 3, profession 2, ride 3, search 3, spot 7, survival 7, swim 3, use rope 4, diplomacy 7, Knowledge (Arcana 3, History 3, Religion 3, Planes 3), spell craft 3.


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